transport gallery presents BY THE PEOPLE FOR THE PEOPLE curated by maya hayuk
BY THE PEOPLE FOR THE PEOPLE is a print show comprised of mostly east coast printmakers working on paper, wood, textiles, handmade books, zines, and 45 record covers. ARTISTS: cory archangel craig dransfield scott lenhardt will lemon the 3rd martin
mazorra chris mendoza mike ming alexis rockman jef scharf yuri shimojo amy sillman south davin watne andrew
jeffrey wright many
of the artists are involved and collaborate with the following collectives and
programs barnstormers violence grows PART
OF THE PROCEEDS FROM THIS SHOW WILL BE DONATED TO most of the work in BY THE PEOPLE FOR THE PEOPLE has been made during the last few months of rising tensions of an unjust war, alienation most generations suffer from our nation's ethical, moral and political polarity, a collective fear of our world's fate and a general distrust of the electoral process. although much of the work doesn't necessarily comment on these issues directly, they do have one thing in common: democracy. printmaking, making multiples, producing art that can get into the hands of the people with the grace and enlightenment that the first printing press achieved is a testimony to possibly the most democratic and sovereign form of art. OPENING
RECEPTION SATURDAY NOV 6 1308 Factory Pl Los Angeles, CA 90013-2252 ABSOLUT VODKA --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |